
News from Lara Cars

Safety tips for travelling

When travelling, one can often end up spending more time in the car than usually. There are many places to be seen, sometimes in a very short timeframe, before it is time to hit the road again and head for the next destination. Some people enjoy going on a road trip in order to discover new places, disconnect from daily life and stress and recover their nomadic roots. For many, going on a road trip is all about the adventure, the distance covered, the contact with nature and the discovery of secret destinations… For a road trip to be enjoyable, it is, however, essential to be properly prepared. 

From route planning to having your car checked, everything is important when embarking on a journey. This preparation and foresight will save you from wasting time on unexpected stops or absurd and avoidable problems. If you know where you are going, have everything you need at hand and do things the right way, chances are you will enjoy your holiday with a lot more safety. This article provides you with useful tips to make sure you enjoy a safe trip around the province of Alicante. 

Consejos para disfrutar de un viaje seguro

Plan ahead, save time and avoid mishaps 

It is best to decide on a route in advance. Especially if you want to see several sites in one day, planning can prevent you from wasting an extra hour or two on the road. Why go back and forth if you can arrange your destinations along a straight line? Some GPS devices as well as the Google Maps app feature tools that make it easier to manage your routes. Google Maps allows you to add several destinations to a route, tells you the times and even suggests alternative routes. It also allows you to freely rearrange the order of your destinations, so you can keep testing different alternatives until you find a route that resembles a straight line. 

Another piece of advice for enjoying a safe trip is to make sure you have everything you need with you. Make sure you pack all the necessary luggage, especially if you’re heading out on a hiking route. Also remember to bring all the papers and documentation you may need. Obviously, this includes your driving licence and your physical (non-electronic) passport. If you are renting a car, we will make sure you have all your paperwork in order. Still, that doesn’t mean it’s not a good idea to double-check everything yourself. Make sure you have your vehicle registration certificate and rental agreement in your glove compartment. As Lara Cars provides comprehensive insurance with no excess, you will, of course, receive all the necessary insurance papers from us. Another good idea is to plan ahead where you intend to stop for refuelling and resting. According to sources such as the Directorate-General for Traffic (Spanish: Dirección General de Tráfico, DGT), it is best to take a break at least once every two hours.  

Tips for safe travel with travel companions and children 

Before a long journey, it is vital to have your vehicle checked (for such things as oil, lights, brakes, tyre pressure and tyre tread). Lara Cars inspects each vehicle before it is delivered, so you won’t have to worry about this. If you are travelling with a companion who is also able to drive, our price can cover the additional driver, as long as that person meets the requirements of being over 25 years old and having held a driving licence for at least 2 years.  

Our customers often travel with children, and nothing is more important to us than their safety. Thus, we also offer baby seats of all sizes, available on request when making a reservation. 

Viaje seguro con acompañantes y niños

Travel safely with Lara Cars 

If you need a vehicle for your next road trip through the province of Alicante, Lara Cars offers you the best fleet as well as the best additional services. Apart from facilitating pick-up and delivery at the airport of Alicante-Elche, we maintain a 24/7 service for emergencies and offer the best prices coupled with a wide range of advantages. With Lara Cars, you can put your worries to rest and enjoy your trip to the fullest. In conclusion, one of our most valuable tips for a successful and safe trip is to plan ahead.  


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